Peter Miller wrote:
> I meant just the plain old OSM website from which one could use edit
> if one wished. Having said that the MapJumper is possibly a better way
> of achieving this (although I don't yet understand exactly how it works).

The server must be recorded into the list of the wiki page :
(One rule, the service must be linked to the OSM project.)
I suggest something like :

| name = novam
| shortcut = n
| url =
| layers = B0T
| desc = post-import NaPTAN
| theme = import,survey
| zone = UK

I will not be there those days when the URL control and permalink would
be set.
So you ( Christoph ?) can hat this record.
The full url must be check. Cloudmade's like URL are supported by adding
| lon = lng

When the page is saved, the server is available in the mapJumper page.

Install a bookmarklet in your browser
- Go to the mapJumper builder page :

- Chose a preset, make your choice...
The javascript code is set dynamicly in the yellow zone.

- Copy the code

- Create a new bookmark in your browser, give it a name (let us say
'mJ[survey]', you can have several mapJumper with different themes)

- Paste the code and save.

The mapJumper bookmarklet is available.

Using the mapJumper bookmarklet
When you are on a map with a reguliar url (with
- Select the mapJumper bookmarklet.

- In the dialog, enter the shortcut ( let us say : 'n' ), if you want
the map open in a new window, add a '+' sign. Enter.

Using the mapJumper hub
By default the mapJumper hub is available in the bookmarklet with the
'_' (underscore) shortcut.
With only one clic more, with the '_' shortcut, all the services are
near... Even those you didn't select...

When you are on a map with a reguliar url (with
- Select the mapJumper bookmarklet.

- In the dialog, enter the '_' shortcut, if you want the map open in a
new window, add a '+' sign. Enter.

- On the hub page, select a theme, or select directly the service.

Vincent alias FrViPofm

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