Am 28.06.2010 17:37, Michał Borsuk:

On 28 June 2010 14:14, Tiziano D'Angelo < <>> wrote:

    Hello everybody!

    In the past months, as you probably read here, I mapped almost
entirely the bus network of Padova, Italy.

Abstract: A new standard, better suited but compatible with what has been done is needed.

Hi! I have also mapped almost my entire area, and I have found that the option of combining OSM with bus timetables is not presently feasible. There are the following problems:

* missing important details. Just like you did, I skipped some strange variants such as special Sunday early morning runs, or collective taxis (because they tend to go wherever the people want). Also, there is at present no provision for implementing the "time" of bus lines, so at present one could be advised to take a night line at daytime.
I think the first step is getting hold if unique station identifiers. You would need to check if something like that exsists for your country or at least transport association. From than on it's quite easy to go forward. See
* no approved standard. Should the stops be within the line as a point, or as their physical location shows? Should we map a separate relation just for the branch of the line from the split, or for the entire line? What is the point of having two relations for two directions in Europe? IMHO Oxomoa seems way too difficult for beginners, and it's overblown. The overhead needed to maintain the standard is WAY too big. I have calculated that sticking to the standard would cost me 25 to 50% more time, with just marginally better results. The time to understand the standard is also not to be ignored. A new standard, better suited but compatible with what has been done is needed.
Just a comment on the complexity of the public transport scheme by Oxomoa: You could get along with a very basic variant already and thus be standard-conform: - Just put all way segments and the stop_positions in a relation with "from=..." and "to=..." - Clone the relation in JOSM and reverse the order and switch "from=..." and "to..."
- put those two relations in a "line=bus/tram" relation  and you're done.
Not much more effort. In later expansions you might add the public_transport=platform and stuff

The wiki article is indeed veeeeery long, but as a starter it can be reduced to the above :)

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