On 12/11/2010 09:26 AM, Michał Borsuk wrote:
    Many city and/or network public transport wiki pages in central
    europe recommend to use highway=bus_stop _on_ the way

And they are wrong. Because according to OSM's principles, the object
should be placed where it physically exists.

Depending of what highway=bus_stop should represent.
If it represents the pole/platform they are wrong.
If it represents the yellow zigzag line on the street they are right.

And by the way: What physical thing is represented by railway=tram_stop?

    I would like to approve a tagging schema that is clearly defined.

..but which is not against the principles of OSM.

What is against the principles of OSM in public transport proposal?

Imagine that you're not German.

I do not have to imagine this, I am not German.

> Do you see how unnecessarily complicated
Oxomoa's plan is? It covers very, very small details (read: they rarely
occur), at the some time forcing much more work on simple (most often
occurring) situations.

Your beginners version:
highway=bus_stop beside the way
highway=platform beside the way

Oxomoas beginner version:
public_transport=stop_position on the way
public_transport=platform beside the way

Where is the difference in effort?

If this is still too much effort, you can leave away one of them. I guess you do. Sometimes I do either.

Whatever proposal/schema you take (old/unified/oxomoa/stop place): Nothing of the tags is a *must*. Everything is optional. You can invest as much effort in tagging you want. But the upper limit of (unified/oxomoa/stop place) is much higher then in the old, very limited schema.

Au contraire, my fellow mapper, and it this discussion was *closed*.

Two years ago or so. I opened it again in 2010, because the underlaying basics changed since then.

There are as many bus stops near the road as there are out there in the
field, because the resolution of the map is so detailed, that placing
one dot on the road is not enough. Moreover, as far as I remember, North
American system (contrary to Hafas), gives each physical stop place a
different index number.

How do you want to map this with the old schema? You do not have a stop place/stop position tag.

    The platform definitely is beside the way

Where? Behind the corner?  On the left? On the right? No, this is not
detailed enough.

As you said: There where it physically exists.

    My understanding for those they have put hundreds of tags on/beside
    the way. They do not want to move them (in which direction ever).

Do you have any other personal accusations towards other mappers?

This is not an accusation, this is the only plausible reason I heard until now for not changing the old schema.


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