On 12/13/2010 02:17 AM, David Peek wrote:
Can I just add, this seems to sum up most of my feelings towards this
discussion - if it can be called that.

Yes you can, and thanks you do.

On 12 December 2010 13:35, Jerry Clough - OSM <sk53_...@yahoo.co.uk
<mailto:sk53_...@yahoo.co.uk>> wrote:

    Odd, this, as I can immediately think of the opposite use case:
    several marked bus stops, but the buses stop at random positions
    over about 100m of road depending on how many other buses are
    present. Individual buses serving the same routes will stop in
    completely different places (sometimes two or more buses serving the
    same route will be present at the stop).

Not sure about this, but it's not the main thrust of the message in my

The main message I want to say is: There are mappers hoping for/needing a more exact schema to be able to reflect some cases they can not be mapped adequate at the moment.

    Please stop referring to the current widespread practice of
    highway=bus_stop mapped at the pole as 'old': in doing so you are
    instantly raising the hackles of those who have spent time on the
    ground mapping, rather than writing proposals on the wiki.

Agreed. "Old" implies it has been replaced or is depreciated. That is
unhelpful given to my knowledge this is the case neither in theory or
(more importantly) in practice.

You both are right, "old" is the wrong word for what I wanted to say. I do not want to replace or deprecate highway=bus_stop. Because English is not my first language, I catched up to consult my dictionary and I think "traditional" or "conventional" would be the better word, expressing what I wanted to say.

    For all I know the various discussions and proposals may have some
    value, but I find the initial tone off-putting, lacking respect and
    overly confrontational. It is not a good route (;-)) to building
    consensus. By far and away the best approach is to map a specific
    area, and show how it really adds value to the map and to a range of
    data consumers (not just a pet public transport router). If it
    really is better than what exists you'll get people using it:
    telling people they're stupid, which is the basic tone of many
    messages to this list and discussions on the wiki is less likely to
    be successful.

Thanks for the constructive idea to map an area with that. I will do this for a bus line.

As I implied further up, I don't think discussions is really an
appropriate word. Most of the messages seem to be of the "I am right,
you are wrong" variety. Hardly a good way to build consensus.

You are right, this is not the way to a consensus.

I get a lot of constructive criticism about the proposal, especially on the talk page. This gives me a lot of input to revise the proposal. This also shows me that many mappers are interested in something new/corrected.

In contrast to that I get only one message on this list: We have a schema, we do not want to correct the inconsistency of it and we do not want to have anything additional.

I do not say my proposal is the best. But I think it is time to extend/correct the currently used schema. Constructive criticism is highly welcome.


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