On 12/13/2010 03:56 PM, Richard Mann wrote:
Adding highway=tram_stop as the representation of the tram pole eliminates
the inconsistency between railway=tram_stop and highway=bus_stop. What do
you suggest for trains?

railway=platform ways/areas replace the station nodes in the ordered
list of stops

You want to use railway=platform for relations for trains. Why creating a new tag highway=tram_stop instead of railway=platform?

Why replacing the stop position for trams/trains with the platform/pole in routes?

Here in Switzerland we have up to 470m long trains (German ICE), so we have
up to 470m long platforms with often two or more poles (or displays as a
replacement) per platform. Does it make sense to map all poles/displays and
to add them to the relation? Doesn't it make more sense to replace the
pole(s)/display(s) with the platform for relation data to simplify things?

If the platform breaks into distinct sections (such as the A-E on DB
main stations or U-Z on SNCF) then there could be distinct
nodes/ways/areas for each section. You might have the whole length of
the platform as an area, with subsections (or groups of subsections)
done as ways, so you can choose which to make a member of the
relation. Which mainline service uses which platform can be a bit
variable, so you may just end up using the station node anyway.

In some (rare?) cases splitting the platform into several ways/areas would make sense. I know a hand full of practical examples.

I read implicitly that you agree to use the platform instead of the pole for relations, correct?

What do you suggest as the stop position for buses (as counterpart of
railway=tram_stop and railway=halt)? Or would you leave this completely

I wouldn't tag it. It isn't tagged at the vast majority of bus stops,
so data users are going to have to find a way of coping with it not
being marked, and will probably ignore any that are marked. I also
wouldn't include the stop position in a relation unless it's the only
node available.

For those thousands of highway=bus_stop tagged beside the way (interpreted as pole) this is the best way to handle. Those tagged on the way should be interpreted as stop position.

I do not want to obligate someone to tag a stop position. Adding a stop position would close an incompleteness compared to trams/trains too. And there are mappers they think it is useful/necessary. Those mappers tag it actually with public_transport=stop_position+bus=yes and/or highway=bus_stop on the way. What do you suggest those mappers? Removing the tags?


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