André Joost wrote:
No need to panic, you don't *have* to use relations.

I'm not panicking as a mapper. As a mapper I have exactly 0.0 interest in mapping bus stops.

I'm anxious as an editor (co-)author.

If such relations become widespread, they will (without explicit support) appear in editors as unexplained, anonymous, undocumented entries in the standard relations view. Inexperienced mappers will, therefore, break them. At this point people will start ranting "XYZ editor breaks public transport relations, BAN XYZ EDITOR!!&^%!@£". Believe me, I've seen it countless times before.

Potlatch 2 has dedicated editors for route relations and turn-restriction relations. If this proposal is to be adopted (and I concur exactly with Chris Hill's thoughts on its merits, but that's by-the-by), it will need to be supported in a similar way.

It is incumbent on those making the proposal to consider how this might be achieved. Saying "oh, the editor writers are my coding bitches and will happily spend a weekend of their time supporting my latest idea" is not an answer.

A preset for josm is already in progress.

And Potlatch and Merkaartor? You can't just support your own favourite editor and consider your responsibility absolved.


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