Mike N <nice...@att.net> a écrit :
>On 12/1/2013 5:32 PM, Jo wrote:
>> Hmm, I was thinking of staying more or less within the lines of what
>> have now, but take away the burden of 10, 20, 70 relations on the
>> piece of road.
>  I'm just curious - what type of data consumer could use information 
>from OSM which contains 70 routes in a road segment?  It would seem to 
>be too many to fit on a map display, but I suppose a device would be 
>able to highlight a single route variation on demand.

You're right, we would have to think of ways to integrate the following 
operations in edit tools:
- Adding items to a relation (OK itns available)
- Removing items from a relation (one by one, feasible)
- Copying a relation
- Splitting a relation into two relations (the main issue with our "variants" 
issue): how to visually handle this?
- Sorting items in a relation?

Regarding "groups of segments" to be represented on a tool, this is already 
possible since we do that with routes.
Now how to call this relationship?

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