Dear Felix,

> As far as I have understood, the discussion of having time information in OSM 
> has been going back and forth for years. And I'd also be a supporter of 
> having this model included in OSM.
> But - another idea - what about storing public transport time information 
> separately, but also with an open license? OSM is not just the core project, 
> there are so many good solutions in the bigger OSM family (See the routing 
> engines, JOSM, export tool,, etc.. long list here). We 
> could be a lot more flexible in a project dedicated to store time information 
> based on OSM stops (osm_id would be the good identifier): I'm thinking about 
> a (web) service, provide a database instance, with an easy  REST API to store 
> and query data, probably some editors (web interface, JOSM plugin,...). We 
> could query OSM public transport stops (by osm id), put them into the 
> database and add/edit time information on it collaboratively, implement 
> imports and exports (GTFS)  and different schedule data models. Of course I'm 
> describing it very simply, but the basic idea is: Why fight to have it inside 
> the OSM data model, if we could create a decent service around it?

I am also interested in making a public transport routing software for my town, 
and need a place to store those time information (including frequency-based 
metro routes and fixed time bus routes). I don't think that OSM can store these 
data and may develop a web interface for crowd-sourcing those in the future.


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