On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 at 20:08, Guilherme Braga Alves
<gbragaal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have mapped bus lines in Rio de Janeiro and I have found the need to 
> include some information that is not yet covered by the tags currently 
> available.
> I mention two examples: routes operated only during peak hours and a service, 
> called "executive bus", in which intra-urban lines are operated by vehicles 
> of a type very similar to the couch bus.


Routes operated only during peak hours can be indicated with
opening_hours=* tag on the route relation (same syntax as
opening_hours elsewhere) and optionally departures=* tag to indicate
time of departure from first stop (this is not very widespread but
makes sense to me - using the same syntax as collection_times=*). I am
not aware of any current router support (I know OsmAnd /doesn't/
support opening_hours for PT routes) but it is a standard tag with
wide support otherwise. service_period=peak would be a bit less
specific to computers but likely easier to understand for humans, so I
don't think it'd be a terrible idea either.

I am not aware of any current method of indicating the "type" of bus
service - currently both a short city route and a long-distance
international route get route=bus. This could benefit from some extra
tags, by analogy with train routes' service=* tag. For that matter,
adopting the service=* values used on route=train
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:service#Train_Routes by also
putting them on bus relations seems an easy-enough solution - I'm not
sure why service=* got limited to train routes.

One problem I'm seeing is that your example of an "executive bus", in
which intra-urban lines are operated by vehicles of a type very
similar to the coach bus, doesn't really appear in any of the
classifications in the abandoned proposal as none of the proposed tags
deal with the vehicle type which operates the route. Unless of course
this bus is also an express bus, which can be tagged.

Personally, I would see value in a tag indicating that a given route
is not part of the local standard fare system, or is unusually more
expensive than other routes ("extra fare required", premium express,
airport buses etc) but that's not covered by that proposal.

> Looking at the archives of this mailing list and the wiki I could find a 
> proposal for detailing public transport routes with tags that would certainly 
> be very useful in these cases 
> (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Differentiation_for_routes_of_public_transport).
> I would like to know if it is possible to redeem this proposal and submit it 
> to the voting process so that, if approved, I can incorporate the new tags 
> into the bus lines here in Rio de Janeiro.

This is possible -
describes the process. You can also make a copy of the proposal and
amend it, if you wish.


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