Hello, I am a new subscriber to this list. I live in the Atlanta, GA
area. I have been adding to OSM a little in my spare time but now it
seems to be getting closer to my work life.

I have worked a bit on adding OSM as a background layer to our GIS,
but today I found this mailing list with this discussion and now I am
also thinking about going the other way and adding hydrography to OSM.

In my work I have been using the recently released NHDPlus dataset:


Is this the version of NHD this discussion has been about or has this
been about a previous version of NHD?

The most interesting layers I see in NHDPlus are all in its
Hydrography folder: nhdflowline, nhdpoint, nhdarea, and nhdwaterbody. 
(A second line layer, nhdline, is present but seems to be mostly
unused. Many other layers are also present in NHDPlus.)

The nhdpoint layer is small and indicates where waterfalls, springs,
rapids, wells, and locks are located. The nhdflowline layer is just
lines and they represent all the waterways in the nation down to
fairly small streams. The nhdarea and nhdwaterbody layers contain
2-dimensional areas that are present only when a body of water is
wide. All of these layers contain many shape attributes that are
likely of no use to OSM.

For the whole nation, here is a summary of the uncompressed size of all 
the Hydrography shapefiles (including dbf):

nhdflowline  2.8G (or 2.3G for just the .shp)
nhdarea      140M
nhdwaterbody 585M
nhdpoint      26M
nhdline  under 4M
Grand total  3.5G, (goes down to 1.6G when zipped)

I really like the idea of having detailed hydrography added to OSM,
but I am a little worried about overwhelming the database by adding
all the flowlines. I am thinking that just adding the nhdarea,
nhdpoint and nhdwaterbody might be a good place to start even if we do
end up adding the flowlines too.

A quick looks indicates that filtering by which flowlines have GNIS
names assigned might cut the number of flowlines roughly in half. This
could be an easy way to omit the "least interesting" streams but after
a quick look I can see it would leave many named streams
disconcertingly disconnected from the network because the stream they
flow into lacks a name.

Mark Gray

Talk-us mailing list

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