On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:55 PM, Mark Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry to speak up before finding that the thread was older than I
> realized. I have now gone back and found the whole conversation that
> has been taking place.

I wasn't trying to be mean :). Just making sure you saw it.

> It is beautiful to see in your sample some good hydrology going into OSM.
> I like populating as many existing OSM tags as possible, but would not
> worry about trying to add NHD-specific attributes beyond COMID unless
> they are useful for rendering. Keeping the COMID means anyone can
> follow that to or from other NHD/NHDPlus data. People who are
> concentrating on water issues will not be depending exclusively on OSM.
> Do you have any idea of how large a size addition to OSM this will end
> up being? I am hoping it will not be so big as to make people complain
> that a street map doesn't need detailed water. Maybe I shouldn't worry,
> maybe nobody thinks the database growing is ever a bad thing.

I'm not too worried about data size (yet), but a single watershed is around
40MB of OSM XML data. There's a few thousand watersheds, right? So that's a
few more gigabytes of data in their database. I might float the idea of not
tagging every node with attribution and source, since that significantly
increases database footprint.

> It will take some effort before I can tell quite how your script is
> working, but I will take a look.
> Is the version here up to date:
> http://perrygeo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/gis-bin/nhd_to_osm.py

This is what I used to create the demo data that I linked to.

> Are islands the only issue that seems to be holding things up or was
> that just one example?

Handling multiple geometries (multipolys and multilines) are pretty much the
only thing left in my shapefile -> OSM converter. Once we have the data in
OSM format, tagging it should be relatively easy (using JOSM or an XSLT
transform before the data upload step).
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