On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:39 PM, Mark Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, I am a new subscriber to this list. I live in the Atlanta, GA
> area. I have been adding to OSM a little in my spare time but now it
> seems to be getting closer to my work life.
> I have worked a bit on adding OSM as a background layer to our GIS,
> but today I found this mailing list with this discussion and now I am
> also thinking about going the other way and adding hydrography to 
> OSM.<http://lists.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/talk-us>


First, read up on the rest of the thread you're replying to:

... but let me also answer your questions. I'm not using the NHDPlus
dataset, since it is only released at 1:100K resolution. I believe that the
dataset I'm using is closer to the 1:24K resolution. I received the dataset
on 5 DVDs from the GIS expert at the NHD office and imported it into a
PostGIS database some time ago (45GB of data). Now, I'm working on making an
extract -> convert -> tag -> upload system to convert the PostGIS data to

You can see an initial import of a single watershed using a script that Matt
Perry wrote by looking around this area:

There are still tons of data missing from that import script though (the
islands in a lake are drawn as multipolygons of the lake), so that is a
roadblock before the upload of data can take place.

If you have some ideas on conversion to OSM data, please let us know!
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