Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, 2008-10-19 at 11:33 -0700, Alan Brown wrote:
>> > Then, decide how if/when it is appropriate to write over the old
>> > stuff with new.  Or, to merge it somehow.
>> Be very, very careful here.
>> Conflation is a difficult thing.  I used to work at Tele Atlas, and
>> there was a major project to conflate Tele Atlas North American data
>> and GDT data (a company they just acquired).  They had at least a
>> hundred people committed full time to completing the task in a year (I
>> don't know the exact number), with tens of millions in funding - and
>> they failed in a big way.  The head of the North American division got
>> axed as a result.
> It's not a difficult thing if nothing has been changed since the last
> import.  My goal for now is simply to overwrite the things that haven't
> been updated by people since the last time I touched them.

A good start would certainly be if the data was converted to OSM
format and made available somwhere for people to check and compare
with existing OSM data.


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