On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can run it like this:
> perl tiger-shp-to-osm.pl 
> data/ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2007FE/41_OREGON/41055_Sherman/fe_2007_41055_edges.zip
>   > out-dave.osm
> Don't count on any more tarball releases.  I think I'll just stick it in
> a git repo and forget about it.

Dave - Thanks!  A couple of small problems so far:

- The tarball doesn't include "daveperl.pm"; I found it elsewhere on your site.
- Latitude and longitude seem to be reversed in the output, at least
when I use the data for Webb County, Texas (FIPS 48479) as the input.
This *really* confuses JOSM (e.g. it hangs).

I fixed this problem using:

sed -e 's/lat=/xxx=/g' -e 's/lon=/lat=/g' -e 's/xxx=/lon=/' <
TX-webb.osm >| TX-webb-fixed.osm

As the accuracy improvement project hasn't affected this area yet, the
shapefiles aren't any improvement over the existing data (and are
worse than the manual edits a few of us have made), but hopefully the
effort will be worthwhile elsewhere!


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