Using the hamlet value seems like a forced fit. Why not just use
place=neighborhood then? So what if it's not "approved"? Use it widely, then
request for it to be rendered. Problem solved.


On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 9:39 PM, Michal Migurski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Alan,
> There's a bunch to chew on there, it's going to take me a few days to move
> through the docs. It sounds like what you're suggesting, though, is that the
> place=hamlet tag really is appropriate for neighborhoods, which is fine. Are
> you commenting at all on its appropriateness for trailer parks and apartment
> developments? I may convert some of the Oakland hamlets to named
> landuse=residential to see what happens.
> I don't actually know what the main OSM tile rendering will do with these.
> =)
> -mike.
> On Nov 28, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Alan Brown wrote:
> In commercial data,  a category called hamlet is use dfor either
> neighborhoods, or small unincorporated settlements.  I've used them for
> neighborhoods in OSM mostly because I want to see them rendered - while it
> would be better to model them with descriptive names.  (Formal
> point-of-interest - "city centers" - all fall into the same category, but
> have different "population classes".  It's nearly identical to the module
> used for "place" point features, although population ranges are formally set
> for each place type.  There's also ways to flag is something is a national
> capitol, state capitol, or county seat.)
> A lot of the discussion held here came up years ago when they designed the
> GDF specification - (Geographic Data Files).   This is an exchange format. A
> lot of that specification has to with the format of the ascii file - which
> is irrelevant to our discussion - but it also deals with features types and
> categories.  This is the format that various navigation systems and online
> map companies receive before converting it into their own proprietary access
> format.
> Here's a short wikipedia summary:
> Here's a link to an old version of the specification:
> This version (3.0) came out 13 years ago.  It's since been significantly
> enhanced - both by ISO, and by Tele Atlas and NAVTEQ.  The enhancements add
> a lot of subtlety, particularly to POI categories.  The unfortunate thing is
> that Tele Atlas and NAVTEQ versions are not 100% compatible with each other,
> and no one fully complies with the ISO standard.  The attributes of the 3.0
> spec are largely followed.
> The Annexes are probably the best place to start, and it contains an
> appendix of feature categories - while chapters 5, 6, and 7 describe
> features in detail.
> While this spec doesn't resolve the "hamlet vs. neighborhood" issue - and
> it doesn't flesh out details for bicycle routes and paths - it has a lot of
> sophistication for things like different types of highway ramps, turn
> restrictions, dealing with road connectivity, etc., etc.  I know they want
> to give people the ability to tag things in new ways, but if OSM has
> aspirations of becoming a routable database, things have to fall into
> predictable categories for software to interpret them.
> -Alan
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Scott Atwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:* Michal Migurski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *Cc:*
> *Sent:* Friday, November 28, 2008 12:25:38 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Talk-us] Bay Area trailer parks: "hamlet" ? Also
> neighborhoods & cities
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Michal Migurski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There are a large number of mobile home / trailer parks mapped in San
>> Jose, Santa Clara, and other parts of the South Bay. They're tagged
>> place=hamlet, and I'm wondering if there's a better way to identify
>> them? Beej71, if you're on this list I think a lot of these came from
>> you.
>> Examples here:
>> "Hamlet" is supposed to be "defined by national/state/provincial
>> government" yet these aren't really defined by anyone except their
>> owners. I personally view them as generally equivalent to named
>> apartment complexes, and therefore not a place. May I suggest that
>> they be redrawn as landuse=residential areas, with names defined?
>> On a related topic, I'm also wondering how to handle parts of cities
>> that are "places" or neighborhoods yet not administratively distinct,
>> e.g. "West Oakland" (Oakland), "The Mission" (SF), etc. Would
>> place=neighborhood make sense here?
>> This part of West Oakland with two named apartment complexes (all
>> place=hamlet) illustrates what I mean:
> I think people (including me) have been using/misusing place=hamlet for
> places like neighborboods which have variable official status because there
> isn't really a good alternative.   I think there is a need for
> place=neighborhood, or something like it.  Whatever we come up with ought to
> be a solution that handles both the  traditional, informal notion of a
> neighborhood, which tends to be relatively small and often has nebulous
> borders, as well as more formal notions like the districts of Berlin, or the
> arrondissements of Paris with official status and well defined borders.
> -Scott
> --
> Scott Atwood
> Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia.  ~H.G. Wells
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