On Mar 5, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Spencer Riddile wrote:

I'm working on figuring out what tags to use for the fields/columns that are included in the USFS GIS trail data that I am going to import into OSM. Has anyone set a precedent for this already? Would it make sense for me to add a section to the wiki page for the USFS (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/US_Forest_Service_Data) in an effort to standardize?

Yes, definitely. If nothing else, you should say where you got the data from, how you did the import, and any metadata that doesn't make sense to put into each and every node/way.

Also, are there tags to keep information about metadata like the data source (i.e. gps, digitized, etc)?

Chris and Dave have set a standard for imports that says that existing metadata should be preserved. As long as you do that, anybody who comes along later can turn that metadata into OSM tags.

Russ Nelson - http://community.cloudmade.com/blog - 
r...@cloudmade.com - http://openstreetmap.org/user/RussNelson

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