Spencer Riddile wrote:
> I'm working on figuring out what tags to use for the fields/columns 
> that are included in the USFS GIS trail data that I am going to import 
> into OSM.  Has anyone set a precedent for this already?  Would it make 
> sense for me to add a section to the wiki page for the USFS 
> (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/US_Forest_Service_Data) in an 
> effort to standardize?  This would be for trails specifically and 
> would follow what has been established on the Hiking wiki page 
> (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Hiking).
I do think a US specific trails page (s) would is needed and would be useful

> National Forest Trails
> tags proposed:
>     * owner = national_forest, private_on_nf, private_noton_nf,
>       county, state, city_town
>     * closure_status = open, closed, restricted, decommissioned
I'd like to see some US specific (relevant) tags

Generally here in California and my experience with the west is trails 
have a series of designations

Cross Country (informal) aka - XC or CC

There are NOT recommended designations, while not specifically 
prohibiting an activity you'd be wise to heed it or at least exercise 

There seems be to a  lack of discussion  about  other  agencies  BLM, 
Park  Service  are  two biggies that come to mind.

The OHV tag would need to cover recommendations about vehicle type, 
Motorcycle, ATV, Jeep(4wd) trail width etc....

I'd also like to see a us specific rating Yosemite Decimal System (YDS) 
is commonly used here in the west and very common in the climbing 
community, this would apply mostly to XC trails / routes


The whole system of fees on public lands here in the US needs work....

Here in SoCal parking most anywhere with in a National Forest requires 
paying a fee $5 daily or $30 annual ($80 Public Lands pass too)

Points north there are trailhead specific fees or other systems I don't 

> Also, are there tags to keep information about metadata like the data 
> source (i.e. gps, digitized, etc)?

> Spencer
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