On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 22:58:22 -0700
Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> Well, in some cases, because due to historical factors, some highways
> have the same name despite having radically different route
> references, and the names don't apply to the whole relation, but
> members of the relation.  Why redundantly tag the name seperately
> from the relation, when name= works so well for that already?  An
> example:  Interstate 5, and Oregon 99, 99W and 99E all have at least
> some portions named Pacific Highway, but not necessarily all of it is
> named Pacific highway.
> Unless you're suggesting there's places where the name follows the
> reference number other than Canada's QEW (I admit I don't really get
> out of my region except to fly over it in my own country).

My approach (and I don't know if you'll agree with this) is to consider
"Pacific Highway" something independent of I-5 or Oregon 99. Pacific
Highway is more like its own designation for a highway, and ways which
belong to both I-5 and Pacific Highway (or Oregon 99 and Pacific
Highway) are treated like any other co-signed highways: just by adding
the affected ways to the relations for each highway.

I'm not sure what you meant by "Why redundantly tag the name seperately
from the relation, when name= works so well for that already?" but
doing it this way would reduce redundancy by not having several ways
with "name=Pacific Highway" (and make it trival to change toll fees (if
any) affecting the whole highway, link to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Highway_(U.S.) with the
wikipedia:en tag, potentially add a symbol, etc). It also allows you to
expand the highway to streets if needed without replacing the name of
the street. (this case may not be needed for the Pacific Highway, but
like I've said in another email, it is needed for the Skokie Highway in

Joseph Booker

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