On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Alex Mauer <ha...@hawkesnest.net> wrote:
>> what is the best solution for another problem I have seen.
>> navigation systems should use the name/ref on the signs. the names are
>> never (rarely?) used for interstate and us routes. but commonly used
>> for county routes ( there the names is used and the ref is used rarely)
> Correct the data to put the ref in on county highways.  It should be CTH
>  xxx, where xxx is the reference value for the county highway.

I'd suggest that "CTH" is a little too specific to Wisconsin (where
they are called County Trunk Highways, hence CTH); county highways are
typically marked as "County Road x" in most states, so CR x would be
more appropriate in most states.

network=US:WI:county (or us_wi_county or whatever syntax people prefer
- I proposed using colons and uppercase because that's what was
documented as the correct format for "ref"s on ways and was going for
consistency) would probably be good for county roads in relations.
But I'd only use relations tags on important, through CRs, as a lot of
counties number pretty much everything as a CR.


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