At 2009-08-09 15:21, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>The job will generally work in county-sized chunks, but don't expect
>that once it has visited a county it's done with it - many counties will
>have to be visited multiple times because they have so many nodes. Also,
>it can always happen that some edits fail during the first run, and
>these left-over nodes will then be picked up later.
>The job does not proceed evenly but instead jumps randomly across the
>US, doing one county here then one county there. This is because I want
>to avoid that someone who e.g. regularly processes all changes in
>California suddenly has millions of changes in a few days - I'd rather
>spread things out a bit to soften the impact for everyone.

Is it actually random, or is there a way to know what order the counties 
will be done in (i.e. to be able to have a rough idea when to watch out for 
changes in my area of interest)?

Alan Mintz <>

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