On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Adam,
> Adam Schreiber wrote:
>> I'm sorry that I'm not a database engineer.  I would think that some
>> kind of block or re-direct could be made to the server responsible for
>> the segment of the planet allotted to it.
> That would be the "segmentation" route. Certainly possible (having many
> regions in the world where each is the master of its own data), however it
> would make certain operations more difficult ("give me the capital cities
> world wide" would be a query that would have to access servers on several
> continents). Also, when merging data from multiple segments, some kind of
> namespace would have to be introduced (so that node #1234 from the Americas
> server is not confused with node #1234 from the Asia server etc.) - Edits
> spanning multiple segments would be near impossible (or, more positively
> perhaps, a big challenge).
>> I would ask that you please refrain from getting up in arms over
>> brainstorms about possible future directions.
> Not "getting up in arms" (in fact I'm all in favor of "devolving" OSM
> centrality to the regions) - it was just that you sounded so confident that
> I thought you might have some good ideas on how to do it.

I'm sorry to dissappoint.  I thought it was a solved problem what with
all of Google's products, DNS fail over and load balancing being


> I have spent some time thinking about this but I always end up with "let's
> make distributed mirrors for reading but keep write accesses on the central
> server to avoid trouble".
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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