On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 09:38, Christopher Covington <c...@vt.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 10:59 -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > Dave Hansen wrote:
> >
> > 2) The TIGER import violates one of the most basic principals of OSM:
> > "Abbreviations:  DO NOT DO IT."
> I really don't understand this. If the United States Postal Service and
> the Census Bureau have been abbreviating names for centuries, why can't
> we? It obviously works well enough. Maybe abbreviations are an issue on
> the Continent but I have never seen any confusion caused by using
> USPS-recommended abbreviations in the United States.

Agreed. I can understand not wanting to abbreviate words that don't
have a standard abbreviation, but the USPS is the de-facto arbiter of
how addresses (and therefore street names) are written in the United
States, and they have a well-defined list of which words are
abbreviated and the abbreviations for those words. Any decent
namefinder/geocoder should be able to handle the idea that "100 W 6th
St" and "100 West 6th Street" both refer to the same address, and a
really good one should also know that "100 West Sixth St" and "100 W
6" would also be at the same location.

David J. Lynch

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