This topic has been dropped without it having been resolved.  We still
need some way of addressing the issues summarized in
"";.  This can be summarized as
needing to create fields for:

  direction prefix
  street name
  street type
  direction suffix

This is needed for exactly the same reason that no abbreviations are
supposed to be used in OSM: There is no automated way to fix the parts
of a street name.

For instance, here are some actual addresses which occur in this area:

  Number  Prefix  Street Name          Type    Suffix
  200     West    North Temple         Street
  200     East    South Temple         Street
  200     North   West Temple          Street
  50      East    North Lakeview       Drive
  50      East    South Lakeview       Drive
  2450    North   E                    Street
  300             Southgate            Drive
  4700    West    3300                 Street  South

These are just samples, but others on this list have come up with other
examples that demonstrate the problems with the current way of doing
things.  Also, in the last example given above, the "Type" and "Suffix"
would be swapped, but in most written addresses the "Type" would be

- Val -

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