On 4/22/10 11:40 AM, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
> the wiki often has as much agreement as your decision to run this bot. in 
> case you didn't see the irony in my comment again in detail. the wiki isn't a 
> reference in any way. It's just a document and not any better than a message 
> on this list or on IRC or the hard fact of existing data in the planet. 
> everyone can change it, very few people care about the wiki except in germany 
> and it's completely out of sync with real data in planet.
i think this is true to a degree.

i also think this causes real problems, as the wiki is the principal guide
for new users, it's what they get directed to when they go to 

so i'd posit that bringing the wiki up to snuff should be a high 
priority for
OSMers who are interested in bringing in and retaining new mappers.


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