On 13 May 2010 14:18, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> andrzej zaborowski wrote:
>> That's exactly what I'm saying -- I assumed user C is a new user,
>> registered after the recent change, and B an old user.  So by
>> uploading any change, user C confirms that they hold the copyright to
>> the work and transfer all rights to OSMF.  But it's obvious they don't
>> because they just downloaded the previous version from OSM (usually),
>> and they may be in violation of the sharealike in CC-By-SA (assuming
>> CC-By-SA was valid for data).
> C only makes a statement about his (own) contributions which, in the case of
> an object downloaded and edited only, make up *part* of the whole object.
> Just because I download your motorway and add some detail, the motorway does
> not become "my contribution".

Okay, you may be right, I assumed the contents of "your contibution"
are the contents of osmChange xml you upload, but the contributor
terms page doesn't make it clear.  So you say that when you undelete
an object, your only contribution is the setting of the visible flag.

I think it still could be argued that in majority of cases your edit
is a derived work of the original work.


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