On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:40 AM, McGuire, Matthew
<matt.mcgu...@metc.state.mn.us> wrote:
>> Can you show me an area of the US that's tagged completely objectively?
> For example: Interstate 99 near Altoona, PA is coded (AFAIK appropriately) a 
> motorway. Over the entire length of the Interstate, it looks like it serves a 
> max average daily traffic of 37,000 vehicles per day 
> (http://www.interstate-guide.com/i-099.html), which is equivalent to many 
> "primary" roads.
> Given this volume, it is reasonable to imagine Interstate 99 was never built. 
> Instead there is a four lane, at-grade highway. The road would still serve 
> the same interregional travel purpose in the area network. It could have the 
> same traffic volume. But it wouldn't be a motorway.
> Interstate 99 doesn't share other qualities of Interstates (traffic volume, 
> Interstate Travel, connecting large cities) Therefore, the current 
> classification of motorway is based on the physical quality of the road.

I know that motorway is based on physical characteristics. I'm asking
for an area where every road is tagged objectively.

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