On 29 July 2010 19:12, Alan Mintz <alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> One responded that it was because they were sometimes wrong (which is, of
> course, true, for those roads that we've corrected) and that they did not
> seem to provide any useful data. However, they also contain the original
> breakdown of the prefix, root, and suffix before they got combined into the
> name and then expanded by the balrog-kun bot - information which will be
> useful in the majority of cases if we ever get back to
> splitting/standardizing.

The only tiger tag that is important to keep (to me) is the
tiger:tlid, all the other values can be pulled from the original TIGER
database provided the TLID.  I can also see the argument for keeping
the name segments as they are now largely used as generic tags, in the
absence of some agreed non tiger: -prefixed tags.

For the record I (balrog-kun) removed the tiger:upload_uuid on any
ways that I touched back when I was expanding the names.  This tag has
no value whatsoever now that API 0.6 supports changesets (and even
without it), but other ways still have the upload_uuid.  The uuid is a
quite long, random string so it occupied a very big part of the planet
snapshots and made it very hard to for example build a search index of
all the tag values including substrings (for example using suffix

I would recommend that sequential, integer ids are always used in
databases like OSM, instead of UUIDs.


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