On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Dave Hansen <d...@sr71.net> wrote:
>> Leave
>> the hard work of the people that laid the groundwork before you *alone*.
> Let's look at an example of what it means to leave that work alone.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/44945783
> A bridge split from the Florida Turnpike.
> tiger:tlid = 86486485:86486486:86486387;
> 86507262:86489492:86507324:86490164:86489590:86489573:86490037:86489467:86490875:86490202:86499582:86497723:86486483:86486384:86486386:86520528:86520529:86489713:86489637:86489612:86489601
> 24 tlids for a single bridge.
> Yeah, that's really useful and accurate.
Let's look at the other tags:

tiger:cfcc = A41; A25

CFCC might be useful.  It's described at
http://www.proximityone.com/tgrcfcc.htm  However, by "leaving things
alone", it's inaccurate.  A25 is "Primary road without limited access,
US highways, separated".  Great.  But A41 is "Local, neighborhood, and
rural road, city street, unseparated".  WTF?

tiger:county = Sumter, FL

Obsolete due to boundary relations.

tiger:name_base = Florida's

I'm not even sure that's correct.

tiger:name_base_1 = State Highway 91

Is it?  In my experience these names are wrong as often as they are
right.  And they should be on ref tags or in relations anyway.  The
people maintaining the state highways refs in my state have done a
much better job than TIGER.  Might as well remove the TIGER crap.

tiger:name_type = Tpke

Doesn't even match the current name.  Should I change it to spell it
out?  Or is this supposed to be saying that the name_type *used to be*
Tpke?  If it's what it used to be, that should be in the history.  If
it's what TIGER says, you should check TIGER.

tiger:reviewed = no

This is actually the only tag I generally leave, if I have not
reviewed the road.

tiger:separated = no; yes

No, yes!  Ah, now I get it.

tiger:source = tiger_import_dch_v0.6_20070809
tiger:upload_uuid = bulk_upload.pl-178dac49-0bad-45ee-a1bd-085ddec65183

Should be in the changeset.

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