> On every single street?
Yep,  pretty much everyone that has a directional as part of its name,
which is a lot of them.

>What map is this
It was published by "Color-Art, Inc., St Louis Mo." "2004-Edition"  I
am not claiming this is a super authoritative source, but it is one
counter example.

> Maps that are created from
> google or yahoo maps don't count.
I have no evidence that the map cited above was created from one of
these sources, by why do you say this?

> I have a paper map that doesn't.
I have another map that doesn't as well (for the most part).  This is
from a tourist booklet and I don't have any publication info as I just
saved the map.  I think in the case of DC (unlike SLC), it is a
cartographic choice.  I will check some of my photos from one of my
visits, but I think the streets signs in DC contain the quadrant
suffix (again, unlike SLC).

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Kevin Atkinson <ke...@atkinson.dhs.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Aug 2010, Mike Thompson wrote:
>>> Do paper maps include the directional prefix or postfix?  I looked at a
>>> few
>>> maps of Washington DC and not one of them I saw include the quadrant
>>> suffix.
>> I have a map of DC and it contains the quadrant suffixes.
> On every single street?  What map is this.  Maps that are created from
> google or yahoo maps don't count.
> I have a paper map that doesn't.   Also look at
> "http://www.google.com/images?q=washington dc map".  Notice how almost none
> of those maps include the street suffixes.  Some display the quadrant
> information, but not as a part of _every_ street.

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