On Fri, 13 Aug 2010, Brad Neuhauser wrote:

So, can we agree that in some areas the directionals *are* necessary
for display?  If not yet, in Minneapolis there are many more examples.
To wit, there are four separate roads that are 3rd Ave, each with a
different directional: N, S, NE, SE.  For a little Where's Waldo fun,
see if you can find 'em all! (abbreviated, of course):

Here is what I am saying:

1) If the directionals indicate a region of the city, the information needs to conveyed somehow. This does not necessary mean that they need to be part of the street name. If they are part of the street name they should probably be displayed in an abbreviated form.

2) If the directional are more part of an address, as I outlined in my other email, than they are probably best left off the map altogether. But this should be evaluated on a city by city bases. Even if they are left off the map, they are needed for forming addresses so the information should be tagged somehow.

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