On Fri, 13 Aug 2010, Mike Thompson wrote:

On every single street?
Yep,  pretty much everyone that has a directional as part of its name,
which is a lot of them.

What map is this
It was published by "Color-Art, Inc., St Louis Mo." "2004-Edition"  I
am not claiming this is a super authoritative source, but it is one
counter example.

Okay, thanks for the verification of the source.

Maps that are created from
google or yahoo maps don't count.
I have no evidence that the map cited above was created from one of
these sources, by why do you say this?

Some times one off maps or just printing of some online generated maps. Your example clearly is not.

I have a paper map that doesn't.
I have another map that doesn't as well (for the most part).  This is
from a tourist booklet and I don't have any publication info as I just
saved the map.  I think in the case of DC (unlike SLC), it is a
cartographic choice.  I will check some of my photos from one of my
visits, but I think the streets signs in DC contain the quadrant
suffix (again, unlike SLC).

I googled it and they do.

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