I'm mapping in this area: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.08242&lon=-118.639&zoom=17

Along the north side of the tertiary road (whose name is not rendered, but is Saddle Peak Road) is a state park polygon (Topanga State Park) imported from CASIL. In this small segment, the road is approximated with less than 70 nodes, while the park polygon segment alongside uses over 1200. I've noticed similar "beauty" in other data from this source and others (like the Bakersfield data mentioned recently on the list).

Should imports make an effort to "un-smooth" such data to some extent, for the benefit of editing and rendering performance, storage, etc?

I suppose if one really wanted to not lose the detail, some calculation could be done during import to determine the radius and arc degrees that were used to create the curves in the first place and then tag those in some way (in case the day comes when we can feed that to the renderer instead of approximating curves with lines). Of course, it might make more sense to get the original curve data in this case instead of reverse-engineering it.

Alan Mintz <alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net>

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