At 2010-08-19 20:24, Alan Mintz wrote:
I'm mapping in this area:

Along the north side of the tertiary road (whose name is not rendered, but is Saddle Peak Road) is a state park polygon (Topanga State Park) imported from CASIL. In this small segment, the road is approximated with less than 70 nodes, while the park polygon segment alongside uses over 1200. I've noticed similar "beauty" in other data from this source and others (like the Bakersfield data mentioned recently on the list).

Should imports make an effort to "un-smooth" such data to some extent, for the benefit of editing and rendering performance, storage, etc?

As a test case, I used JOSM's "Simplify Way" on the ways that make up Topanga State Park. After playing around a bit, in advanced preferences, I set simplify-way.max-error to 0.2, which still modeled curves to maybe single-digit meter errors, yet removed 73% of the nodes (from 9103 to 2466).

The ways are:

I'm not embarking on a mission to simplify all ways - just taking the (short time) to do this when I'm mapping an area anyway and see it could be of benefit.

Alan Mintz <>

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