On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Antony Pegg <anttheli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> First time mailing, probably overdue, but I've been reading for a while.
> Got a question I'm hoping will spark some discussion:
> What would you like to see done (or NOT see done) with TIGER 2010 as regards
> OSM when it is released?

I'd like to not see TIGER 2010 applied on top of OSM either replacing
what's there or (even worse) uploaded on top. :)

I'd not like to see this import take less than four months (yes, I
said it, and I'm serious).

Here's the why:

First, we need to really have an understanding of what the US looks
like compared to tiger. A lot of us talk about this question, but it's
so different depending on so many factors, the fact remains we don't
really know.

So we need an understanding of the status of data that was imported
from TIGER into OSM.

Second, we need to see if there's a good way to do the comparisons
between untouched OSM TIGER data and TIGER 2010 data.

Thirdly, we need to decide if we want an automated or manual process
to bring us forward. I think there are benefits of both.

If I were the king of TIGER, I'd say this is the right way to go
forward, slowly, in a small team of people who will carefully examine
this huge, huge project, making sure we learn our lessons from the

- Serge

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