Hi Josh,

In file 02070010_nhdarhi0.xml, there are three such ways (areas),
COM_ID 46571227, 46571098, 46571233. I think this is because most dams
are represented as lines (39 for this HUC8), but these three are
areas, so perhaps it isn't a big problem. Is there any issue with
applying the same rules for both area and line features?

Yeah that would explain it...the code is only in the script for lines. Reading the original NHD data dictionary, 34306 is legal for points, lines and areas.

Re: same rules for all areas and lines - the rule set has to be broken down by line vs. point vs area...in theory you'd want to be sure that the resulting OSM tag makes sense for the resulting OSM node type, but other than that, there may be several cases where the codes could apply to multiple geometry types.


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