On 6/21/2011 7:10 PM, PJ Houser wrote:
Well, I have a conundrum here in Portland, Oregon. The 4 TriMet mappers
here in Portland would prefer to tag all multi-use paths as paths, with
bicycle=designated, particularly because we are attempting to make the
Portland area routable. OpenTripPlanner, the multi-modal routing
software we'll be using, routes for walking, bicycling, cars, and
transit, so I'm hoping to let paths be paths because that implies
bicycle AND pedestrian are legally allowed equal access

I see nothing wrong with the JOSM preset for Combined foot- and cycleway.


This will almost certainly be the setting used by everyone tagging a combined use path using JOSM in the future. Routers should be able to key off the 'designated' tag. I may not be aware, but that tag does not imply the legal status in the US as it does in other countries.

The actual tag - 'path' / 'cycleway' shouldn't be such a big issue; it's just a token that could as easily be a hidden value generated by editor presets. For that reason, the syntactic implication of the actual tag name does not carry weight; it's merely a mnemonic indicator of the tag function.

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