On 8/24/2011 7:25 PM, Craig Hinners wrote:
I see what you're saying about Arkansas, in that their treatment of US
business routes on signage "feels" more like a "different designation".
On the other hand, Maryland uses a totatally different shield design for
business US routes (basically a green-on-white US shield), which is more
of a "distinct network" feel.

Business routes, yes (similar to Interstate business routes). But other types (alternate, scenic) get the normal treatment.

Alternate routes, especially, are intended as equal parts of the U.S. Highway system. For example, US 41 used to be split into US 41E and US 41W between Nashville and Hopkinsville, KY. AASHO decided in the 1930s that split routes were confusing, and so in the 1940s US 41W became US 41 Alternate. US 45 Alternate in Mississippi was never a 'mainline' route, but improvements have made it the better route for through traffic between Meridian and Tupelo.

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