On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Val Kartchner <val...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think that this is also the time to add a "development" level to the
> "place" key.  There are so many place names that aren't hamlets but are
> developments (like subdivisions) that have names.  This could include
> the name of an apartment complex.

That's a discussion that might be ideal for the tagging@ list.  For a
named apartment complex, I'd expect the buildings or site relation to
be named.  I wouldn't expect them to be a place.  By comparison, I
also wouldn't expect a large university or business campus to be a
place either while they might be named buildings or site relations.

Looking at our US map rendering brainstorm, how would you restate the
issues from your suggestions above?

Earlier suggestions include the one you quoted from Brad, which might
be "context-sensitive rendering; show smaller towns if they are the
only towns around".

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