Nathan Edgars II <> wrote:

> On 11/29/2011 1:45 PM, Randal Hale wrote:
> >   * We're (OC) also trying to verify if roads need sidewalks for
> >     pedestrian traffic.
> I'm not sure what you mean by this. As far as I know, it's legal to
> walk 
> (against vehicle traffic) on the majority of roads without improved 
> sidewalks in every U.S. state. Or if you're talking about routing 
> software, I doubt there's enough sidewalk tagging that any of them
> have 
> decided to prefer roads with sidewalks.

I suspect they mean "is it safe to walk in the street" more than "is it legal 
to walk in the street".  I know that there are a number of places in Nashville, 
TN where there isn't much of an alternative to walking in the street, due to 
terrain or other obstacles, yet walking in the street is dangerous because 
narrow traffic lanes and a lack of shoulders puts you very close to traffic.

John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria

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