Am 22.12.2011 17:36, schrieb Craig Hinners:
What to model as discrete ways has always struck me as a gray area in the OSM 
I'm of the opinion that, at locations where traffic /may/ not or /can/ not
transfer from one linear flow to another, the flows should be modelled as
discrete ways.
The reason for the inability to transfer between flows should not be a
determining factor in deciding what to model as separate ways. If I can't
transfer between flows, I want to know that; whether the reason for being unable
to transfer is stripes of paint or a 10 foot tall concrete barrier or a median
of weeds and dirt is not germane.

In the italian mailing list, the same question came up. There, one user pointed out that e.g. an ambulance car could switch tracks over stripes of paint, but not if there's a concrete wall.

This way, routing software would not show a possibility for the ambulance car to switch to a certain track because it thinks it's physically impossible,


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