Well, the database has just gone read-only at about 4:08 AM EDT. I was lucky 
enough to finish the cleanup of the entire Pittsburgh, PA area minus some 
businesses that people added that I couldn't verify since I hadn't been in 
those parts of the city before or recently.  So, they will get axed by the OdbL 
bot when they run it.  Thankfully, it's not that many. I was even able to get 
in a last minute edit to save some of US-19 in West Virginia in a section that 
moonwashed tainted by deleting and retracing it.  So, I did the same thing he 
did, haha, and was able to get it uploaded with less than 4 minutes before they 
went into read-only mode. And I'm right now working on a little more cleanup of 
US-19 in WV that I'll attempt to upload right after the database goes live once 
again (if I'm awake when it happens and the ID's haven't changed). So, who else 
here was at least somewhat successful in their objective in data cleanup (I 
still think this whole thing was kinda stupid, as I'd rather been fixing/adding 
new stuff instead of redoing stuff that others added)? -- James                 
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