> From: David Litke [mailto:dwli...@comcast.net]
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Update on remapping
> I am a newbie, wonder why the current license change downtime is
> affecting data. Does the new license make some existing data illegel and
> hence they are removing it? Or are they making use of the downtime to do
> additional QC edits/deletions?

The downtime is for two purposes. The first of these is a server move and
postgresql upgrade for the database server. This is what is currently going
on and is just turning the database on the old server to a file, copying it
to the new server and loading it.

The second stage of the process is for the license change. Right now there
are two types of data in OSM: those which can be licensed under CC by-sa and
those which can be licensed under CC by-sa or ODbL. The goal of the license
change is to remove the content which can only be licensed under CC by-sa so
all the data can be licensed under the ODbL. After this removal is completed
then OSM will be made available under the ODbL license only.

Until the rebuild is complete and a new planet file is published under the
ODbL OSM remains published only under CC by-sa.

This is, of course, a simplification, but should get the idea across.

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