Hi Martijn,

I believe you are not showing ways deleted by redaction; any way to add
indicators for this situation to your display ?

for example.

The additional road class information, as well as the specificity of the
map, is quite important to help folks focus; could the OSMI view be
enhanced to include highway=motorway/primary/secondary/tertiary/all else
filters ?

Also, every time I click a link on
http://lima.schaaltreinen.nl/redactionI'm getting a new JOSM layer,
which is suboptimal, IMHO.  Perhaps this
could behave as OSMI JOSM links do ?


On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 04.08.2012 12:05, Stellan Lagerström wrote:
>>> Nice. What do the colors signify?
>>> And I would suggest adding "Show in OSM" and/or "Edit in Potlatch/JOSM"
>>> links.
>> There's also my version of this:
>> http://tools.geofabrik.de/**osmi/?view=redactionbot&lon=-**
>> 118.13960&lat=33.96068&zoom=10<http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/?view=redactionbot&lon=-118.13960&lat=33.96068&zoom=10>
>> In contrast to Martijn's map, this one isn't at all pretty ;) and my map
>> doesn't differentiate roads from other stuff (or motorways from primary
>> roads etc.) - the OSMI view simply shows a red mark wherever something was
>> deleted by the bot; an orange mark wherever something was last edited by
>> the bot; and a yellow mark where something was edited by the bot but
>> someone else touched it later. It can show the (former) tags of deleted
>> objects if you click on them (but don't you copy that into OSM...) and it
>> has a "trash can" button that allows you to make a red thing go away (for
>> cases where you say: well, that has been remapped already, or: this is
>> really such a marginal feature that we don't need a mapper to go there and
>> survey it again). Red things trashed this way become green. Update
>> frequency is a couple times a day.
> The OSMI visualization is much more comprehensive and I would recommend it
> to anyone interested in doing systematic remapping. What I will do is add a
> link to the Inspektor for the same extent.
> What my map adds to the Inspektor view is a focus on the main road system.
> Also, it is very easy to add a new query to the visualization. It is
> currently updated every hour.
> Martijn
> --
> martijn van exel
> http://oegeo.wordpress.com
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