
On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 9:50 AM, the Old Topo Depot <oldto...@novacell.com>wrote:

> Hi Martijn,
> I believe you are not showing ways deleted by redaction; any way to add
> indicators for this situation to your display ?
> See
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=40.45269&lon=-122.29221&zoom=15&layers=M,
> for example.

Deleted nodes are by their nature not in the current planet anymore, so
that would require logic to look at the changesets of when the bot ran and
keeping a table of bot-deleted way IDs. Maybe such a list is already out
there. Certainly Toby's map as well as the OSMI layer already do this.

> The additional road class information, as well as the specificity of the
> map, is quite important to help folks focus; could the OSMI view be
> enhanced to include highway=motorway/primary/secondary/tertiary/all else
> filters ?
> Also, every time I click a link on http://lima.schaaltreinen.nl/redactionI'm 
> getting a new JOSM layer, which is suboptimal, IMHO.  Perhaps this
> could behave as OSMI JOSM links do ?
> I fixed that. It is a parameter in the remote control URI definition.

Currently I am rerunning the import from scratch so the layer may not show
anything for a little bit.
martijn van exel
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