> From: Toby Murray [mailto:toby.mur...@gmail.com]
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Proposed import: Alaska Boroughs/CPDs
> I have been doing a lot of work on county borders in the lower 48. I got
> to Alaska and the current state of the data plus the whole "unorganized
> borough" thing made me go "huh? I'll come back to that...
> later" and I haven't made it back yet due to Operation Cowboy and
> Thanksgiving.
> Given the state of the data and the changes that have happened in recent
> years, I think a complete reimport may be a decent way of moving
> forward.
> On the unorganized borough, I'm not really sure what the best solution
> is. One use for county borders in GIS applications is to associate data
> with them, a lot of times based on the county FIPS code. It looks like
> these Census Areas do have a county level FIPS code so I do think they
> have a place in OSM. Whether or not they get an admin_level=6 tag... I
> don't know.

Given that the comments received have been generally positive and the
concerns raised are addressed I'm going to go ahead and start
post-processing the data so I can merge it in as well as figuring out how
the heck to identify all the existing imported borough/CPD boundaries, all
tagged differently.

Just to be clear, I'm not adjusting the state border in this import. I think
it might need adjusting but that's independent of the import.

The CPD tagging might get adjusted in the future post-import when we better
figure out how to tag CPDs.

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