> From: Paul Norman [mailto:penor...@mac.com]
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Proposed import: Alaska Boroughs/CPDs
> Given that the comments received have been generally positive and the
> concerns raised are addressed I'm going to go ahead and start post-
> processing the data so I can merge it in as well as figuring out how the
> heck to identify all the existing imported borough/CPD boundaries, all
> tagged differently.

Completed successfully. Because the boundaries are now much less "nodey" the
boundaries went from about 170k nodes to 25k nodes. 

I added wikipedia=* and website=* tags as applicable. Wikipedia tags should
help Nominatim determine importance when there are two places with the same

As most states aren't adding counties at the rate that Alaska has added
boroughs I doubt it'll come up again but I documented the SQL I used to
identify and delete the existing boundaries without conflicts on deleted
nodes at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Alaska/TIGER_Counties.

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