Here's an interesting exercise so you can see how google is doing address geocoding. In google maps, search for: 2109 Lisa Dare Dr, Leesburg, FL

Make sure you have the map version turned on so you can see the parcel outlines. See the address location? Its the parcel centroid.

Now look at the Lake County FL map viewer at and search for 2109 Lisa Dare Dr
The address location is the house rooftop.

Now search for 3329 US Hwy 441, Leesburg, FL in google maps. The address location is now on the street, and its not even in front of the correct parcel. Why is that? Because the parcel database does not have a 3329 US Hwy 441 address in it, and they fell back to interpolated addresses.

Do the same search in the Lake County map viewer and you'll end up at the store front. This is an example of the multi-tenant retail address problem and trying to use parcels for that.

So, when we import address point layers, we will be better than Google! That's assuming that the data is all that and a bag of chips. And that's why we need to be vigilant in heavily QA'ing the data before importing.


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