Interesting idea… trying to wrap my mind around this.

On Dec 17, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Serge Wroclawski <> wrote:

> So I'm proposing a new committee, run by the US Chapter, to help guide
> imports and large edits.

What specifically would this committee (or point person or whatever it might 
be) offer?

I'm asking this question as I'm thinking that our problem for guiding imports 
properly is quite simply this: time and/or money. Making a new committe won't 
solve either of these problems, but being very specific about what a more 
formal process would bring us could help us find the proper resources (likely 
volunteer resources but maybe we need to think bigger).

> This will give step by step guidance to those who want to import data,
> and offer the larger community time to review and provide feedback.

I've seen that in the recent Mass GIS import there was broad feedback on the 
proposed import, I'm assuming that a mailing list based feedback process like 
that will continue to be a good idea in the future. What will a committee add 
to this process? Or how will it facilitate it?

Can we describe the problem areas that arise when doing imports in more 
concrete terms so that we can delineate better what such a committee would do 
for us?

Alex Barth
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