I have added the info to the wiki

also the scripts are updated. I am been manually replacing the  plot info
with just the building, so the only info being imported are the house
numbers and zip codes and the lbcs tags. Also for the new script, I create
a single point with the average location of the points making up the plot
and then manually place that on top of the major building manually. this
checks the data and also basically removes all data being copied,
everything is only just the basic facts.


On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Mike Dupont <jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 2:09 AM, Martin Koppenhöfer <
> dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Am 15/dic/2012 um 22:39 schrieb Mike  Dupont <
>> jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com>:
>> 3.       **What tagging are you proposing?
>> addr:* and landuse
>> the only additional tag are the four detailed landuse tags
>> eg
>> lbcs:activity:code    {1100=1}
>> lbcs:activity:name    {Household activities=1}
>> lbcs:function:code    {1170=1}
>> lbcs:function:name    {Garden apartment complex (1=1}
>> These codes are details on how the lot is zoned. otherwise I am using
>> this information for fixing the street names and zip codes.
>> Are the landuses you plan to tag actual landuses or permitted/planned
>> landuses?
> These are actual landuses, the ones that describe the business.
> when you register a business here in kansas, you have to provide this
> information.
> https://www.kansas.gov/bess/flow/main?execution=e1s1
> I will also be looking into how that data can be extracted and compared
> some day. This is more than zoning infomation.
> If you look at this for example :
> http://www.snco.us/Ap/C_prop/Listing.asp?PRCL_ID=0973604030001000
> "2151-Grocery store / supermarket"
> "2110-Goods-oriented shopping"
> that is very accurate and could be used for direct tag information.
> there is a building layer on the snco gis site, but I have not figured out
> how to extract it, it seems to be hidden. So I am tracing them from bing.
> http://gis.snco.us/ArcGIS/rest/services/Basemap_102100/MapServer/7
> http://gis.snco.us/ArcGIS/rest/services/Basemap_102100/MapServer/8
> ****
>>> **4.       **The last few times someone has proposed importing property
>>> lot data the consensus has been that that type of data shouldn’t be
>>> imported into OSM. Why is this different?
>> I am importing the plots for zipcode, house number and address data. It
>> is being used to tag the buildings, it can be deleted when it has been
>> totally processed.
>> IMHO addresses belong (often) to plots, so in these cases there is no
>> point in transferring the address information to a building. Don't remember
>> consensus to not import property limits. I do remember though that there
>> were concerns about the sheer amount of data increase if we imported this
>> for the whole world.
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
> Well these are plots/property limits. And I dont want to import them for
> the whole world, just the streets  that I am tracing buildings from so
> that  I can quickly find locations. Also did you notice that
> http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ can now find house numbers accurately
> for these streets I imported :
> http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?q=2033+Southwest+Wanamaker+Rd%2C+Topeka%2C+Kansas&viewbox=-217.97%2C80.28%2C217.97%2C-70.31
> Until the houses are traced and the data transfered like i did here :
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/196582551 I removed the plot and
> the lbcs data and left only the house itself.
> I forgot the landuse=residential.
> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://flossk.org
> Saving wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion
> http://SpeedyDeletion.wikia.com
> Contributor FOSM, the CC-BY-SA map of the world http://fosm.org
> Mozilla Rep https://reps.mozilla.org/u/h4ck3rm1k3
> Free Software Foundation Europe Fellow http://fsfe.org/support/?h4ck3rm1k3

James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://flossk.org
Saving wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion http://SpeedyDeletion.wikia.com
Contributor FOSM, the CC-BY-SA map of the world http://fosm.org
Mozilla Rep https://reps.mozilla.org/u/h4ck3rm1k3
Free Software Foundation Europe Fellow http://fsfe.org/support/?h4ck3rm1k3
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