On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com> wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:
> > On 1/4/13 1:31 PM, Michal Migurski wrote:
> >> Interesting—how would you characterize "bad" roads? One characteristic
> of crappy TIGER data is road wiggliness, is that what you mean?
> >
> > the tiger 2010/11/12 data is much better for many of the "bad tiger"
> areas. it'd be a bit of work to do
> > a comparison of the data, but it might be able to yield the desired
> information.
> This is exactly the direction I'm thinking. What would it take to create a
> TIGER 07 vs 12 comparison map and use this as a basis for identifying the
> areas that need most attention? I've been talking to Ian over here and we
> were thinking of intersecting OSM highway data with TIGER 12. This could be
> achieved e. g. by overlaying a light, opaque OSM highway layer with a
> contrasting TIGER layer, only exposing TIGER 12 geometry where it differs
> from OSM.
> Thoughts?

I've done this before and it works great for ~z10+. Some more processing
needs to be done for the lower zoom levels so that we can display an
overview to make it easier to find problematic areas.

There tend to be small blobs of new geometry (new subdivisions or more
accurate geometry) when comparing 07 and 12. It would be interesting to
cluster these together and use them as an input to MapRoulette or a Task
Manager to pick off the stuff that is brand new or completely changed
between the two datasets.
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